Monday, October 15, 2007

Alone with self....

I can hear the devil's laugh
the same voice i had heard before
during spring, the previous year
he had haunted me for days
poisoning my thoughts
with his vile tongue
i fought him for a long time
but with each passing day
louder became his rantings
sharper became his words
and one day i saw him smile
not a wicked one
but one with heavenly attraction
and as i thought about it
everything changed in me
wicked beast was he...
shot an arrow with his tongue,
one as sharp as a rose thorn, at me
i knew it was all over
fangs of jealousy pawed at my heart
which with each beat
pumped rage and anger
and so days passed with shouts and fights
at times i heard this feeble voice
somewhere deep inside it weeped
but whenever i sought for it
i saw the devil smile in me

the path of destruction
i had paved will end now
with nothing to loose
and no one to care
i stand at the very edge
looking down at the deep vale
i smile with no fear in me
and again i hear his laughter
a maniacal, knowing laugh
telling me to do it
so that he can escort me,
when i reach the gates of hades,
to his treacherous abode

Friday, April 27, 2007


LO and BEHOLD!!! i'm being formed,
those blots of ink that make me,
a relic filled with emotions,
and i sense my creators feelings.

I can see clearly now,
AHH!!! such a young damsel,
with sparkling yet desolate eyes,
she writes about the month gone by,

about the sweltering days,
filled with joy and daily chores,
the usual neighborhood fights,
and how she longs for him to come back...

I see her weeping,
those hot tears dropping onto me,
and i sense her longing in her words....

HA!!!!! she's finishing it now,
those little ardent endings,
"eagerly awaiting your return honey"
simple yet like an magnet to bring him back...

as i get ready now,
to be folded and enveloped
i'm shocked,
she's crying now!!!

picks me up in those tender hands,
looking at me with those eyes,
past, pain, pity, present
portrayed on her face...

then she FILES ME!!!
i never expected THIS!!!
am i one of those wasted letters??
how could such emotions be wasted??
i ask myself,
dejected and angry i look around....

OHHH!!!! i see a hoard of letters here!!
all waking up from a deep slumber,
eyeing my contents intently,
bewildered i ask them...

"why are all of us being wasted so??
why such cruelty?"
slowly one of them answer,
weighing on his words....

"we all are just like you brother,
written by our dear mistress...
to her loved one..
who is at war..


"or so she writes,
she writes every month,
empties all her feelings into us,
to send it to her master......
who died 5 years ago..."

and i remain shocked....

Sunday, April 1, 2007


on a cold winter night,
a stranger walked,
a lonely road,
struggling in the wake.

trembling from head to toe,
he walked, remembering,
his long, painful past,
of how he had been doomed to poverty.

hungry and cold he pushed on,
to find a shelter to shield him,
protect him from the endless snow,

encouraged by a dream,
to meet his family,
he moved on,
thinking of his days as a soldier.

joined the army searching transient glory,
successful in his training,
he fought battles with brimming confidence,
which overflowed with time.

during one such battle, disaster struck,
lost an arm and was hospitalized,
his long recovery then,
cost his place in the army.

as time passed,
he regained his health and mind,
married a poor damsel,
thought he could triumph in life with ease.

egoistic fights making his career obsolete,
struggling for daily bread,
and lo! his wife deserted him,
flew to her parents.

the pride and manliness in him,
kept him living,ignoring his wife,
struggling with no pillars for support,
and Mr.lonely now had lost everything.

with not a penny on him,
sold his army clothing,
bought a ticket,
dreaming about his wife.

and now, thanks to the devil,
he walked towards his dream,
having lost his ticket,
he struggled through the snow.

hungry and cold he pushed on,
to find a shelter to shield him,
protect him from the endless snow,
to help him to live and reach for his dreams!!!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Immortal And Beyond

So many happy days spent,
So many seasons watched
when i used to live,
in the place humans called, a forest

born out of a single seed,
i was the first to bloom,
and amongst my many siblings,
i lived happily .

Bore many a fruit, drawing children into my warmth,
helping them to hide while play,
sheltering many weary travelers,
growing with pride during those days.

stopped many a flood,

braved many a storm

housed within me sweet twittering birds,

and cute nibbling squirrels.

time went on,
filled with happiness was I,
when I was named "The Oldest Tree",
and I lived on serving them all, until ......

I noticed a change of priorities in men,
in need of space they chopped down my kith,
but my feeling of being superior,
made me think of them as harmless.

But one day, awoken by a loud 'whirr'
my worst fears became reality,
feeling my body being CHOPPED MERCILESSLY!!

I cried inside thinking,
WHY, OHH WHY!! hadn't God -
given us the power to speak,
to cry, to reason, to plead.

to defend ourselves, we do not know,
to run, we do not know,
to shelter ourselves, we do not know,
why weren't we blessed with such powers.

while the foolish, selfish men,
use theirs to destroy us.
why didn't we even get,
the power to atleast defend ourselves!!!

But, all of a sudden these thoughts stopped,
and as I felt myself falling,
being torn away from mother Earth,
I took my last breath and mustered all my energy.

pictured all those beautiful memories in a moment,
those children, those lovely birds,
those wonderful passing seasons experienced,
and cherishing them, I died, with so much to leave behind.

but even now, I live on,
as memories in them, my children,
Every form of life which I housed,

And now no man can ever destroy me.... I won over after all

Monday, March 19, 2007

me.... a peek into my life so far

Remembering my childhood days,
i see flashes of minutes gone by,
thinking on how the past has shaped me,
i dream on.

coming on from when i was 7,
I was handed a responsibility,
of being a brahmin,
learning various hymns, time passed.

god fearing was i,
reciting all that was taught,
everyday, till i was 12,
when i turned a bad leaf.

teenage creeping inside me,
i followed my peers,
searching for transient glory,
i landed myself in trouble.

even then i didn't change,
following the wrong path,
i started paving a tunnel,
to a disastrous future, until....

a light flickered somewhere,
changing my direct course,
i got transferred to another school,
where i was an alien.

amidst such gems was i,
that i found a wing for my plummeting life,
and i changed once more,
to an extent which restored my senses.

then during 15, life changed,
was put into a different school,
facing a new environment,
i met up with multifarious people.

but by then i had learn't,
the art of filtering my thoughts,
was able to find the right friends,
and so life went on.

then came 17 with all it's glory,
had been placed in a,
wonderful and bubbly college,
made a lot of friends.

and now I'm 19,
life is moving like a boat on a limpid ocean,
amidst my friends and my teachers,
i hope to find my second wing and fly again.

Friday, March 16, 2007


what is this feeling that creeps on
every time i try to achieve something
every time i want to succeed
every time i want to speak in a crowd
every time i wish to attain the peak,

drawing me down
sending chills down my spine
causing goose bumps
making my hands to tremble
putting a block in my throat

restricting my speech
lowering my performance
pulling down my confidence
reducing my talk to a stutter
making my heart pulse faster

i guess this is what people call nervousness
which i have in abundance!!!!!! :(

Friday, March 9, 2007

this is what friends are!!!

strolling along a lonely road
i stare into the foggy night
looking for light to help me
find a place in this huge wide world

specks of illumination pass by
giving partial visibility
without any significance
and so i wander on

until i find a grandeur illumination
filling my path with glaring light
and as my pupils adjust themselves
i see my friends sourcing the light

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

HEY EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!

This is my first blog in blogspot!!!!!
truly exited to explore the whole new world of blogging.......
so ppl get ready to read about many exiting and a variety of topics in my section !!!!!!