Friday, March 9, 2007

this is what friends are!!!

strolling along a lonely road
i stare into the foggy night
looking for light to help me
find a place in this huge wide world

specks of illumination pass by
giving partial visibility
without any significance
and so i wander on

until i find a grandeur illumination
filling my path with glaring light
and as my pupils adjust themselves
i see my friends sourcing the light


Unknown said...

thanx 4 ur opinion abt me;)!!!!!
dis was o gud one dude!!!!waitin 4 more!!!!

AparnA said...

A friendship

Its shared by to hearts in a soul,
Deals the mastery of mystery n pastery of either,
Taking u far away 4m the lnd of reality to lnd of surprise
Expctating, love, fun , ….
What remains in the end is not the hearts of theirs but the soul of friendship,
Recked not while in a storm ,
Burnt not while in a lavian blast,
surviving through the wrost mighty of love
it goes on till the earth reckons to live...
and vanishes not in the word..
but lives in nothingness
takes the toll of two undisputed images of the present and the future
solving the quest of life
knowing unknowingly the warmth of love
singing the song of victory not of the world
but unsurpassable love...
straining the weight of the world along the sides of four arms
its no wild picture of bullying
but a smooth sail across the raging ocean..
trailing along with the nothingness of things
when in the end the souls reaches its best win over
the destiny and purpose of living...!

thought i would share mine!!!