Friday, April 27, 2007


LO and BEHOLD!!! i'm being formed,
those blots of ink that make me,
a relic filled with emotions,
and i sense my creators feelings.

I can see clearly now,
AHH!!! such a young damsel,
with sparkling yet desolate eyes,
she writes about the month gone by,

about the sweltering days,
filled with joy and daily chores,
the usual neighborhood fights,
and how she longs for him to come back...

I see her weeping,
those hot tears dropping onto me,
and i sense her longing in her words....

HA!!!!! she's finishing it now,
those little ardent endings,
"eagerly awaiting your return honey"
simple yet like an magnet to bring him back...

as i get ready now,
to be folded and enveloped
i'm shocked,
she's crying now!!!

picks me up in those tender hands,
looking at me with those eyes,
past, pain, pity, present
portrayed on her face...

then she FILES ME!!!
i never expected THIS!!!
am i one of those wasted letters??
how could such emotions be wasted??
i ask myself,
dejected and angry i look around....

OHHH!!!! i see a hoard of letters here!!
all waking up from a deep slumber,
eyeing my contents intently,
bewildered i ask them...

"why are all of us being wasted so??
why such cruelty?"
slowly one of them answer,
weighing on his words....

"we all are just like you brother,
written by our dear mistress...
to her loved one..
who is at war..


"or so she writes,
she writes every month,
empties all her feelings into us,
to send it to her master......
who died 5 years ago..."

and i remain shocked....


AparnA said...

bloody cooll............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nice super cool!!!!!!!!!!!


er u sure????

Karthika Raghavan said...

nice poem...but chill dude dont be shocked always!good luck for better poems to come!:)

Vindhya said...


it tuf to say this... eh...

k k i accept... guess u win out square in that competition(!) ... between us....
loved ths poem
whew.... real gud!!


nice joke vindhya...
come on now yours was waaaaaaaay better than mine.....

Vindhya said...

y the brk nw?
is ur boulevard stil bein formed? :P


boulevard has been formed
but dont know what to do on the boulevard!!!! :(

Anamika said...

woah, well, joy man, I don' write poetry.. or read much. but this kinda kicked me..
keep writing

Pras said...

real good! and why don't you even change your blog's title to somethin poetic?


hmmm.... nice idea dude. will give it a shot. thanks for the comment and opinion also.~~~!!!!!

Malesh Ponnusamy said...

hey buddy,
cool stuff. Very interesting prespective. Very rarely u come across some pieces of work that really blow ur mind... this was one of them.